Wednesday, 4 September 2019

September Update - I'm back

Hi Folks

Hope you're all well and busy reading and writing.

As you can see from my posts I've had a few weeks off due to school holidays and laziness on my part.  I've still to post some Edge-lit 2019 reviews which happened way back in July!!!

Anyway I'm back now and here's my plans for September:-

  • Do the Edge-lit reviews.
  • Do a few writing posts- one about feeling like a writing imposter. 
  • Post my top 10 favourite books that shaped my reading and writing. 
  • Extracts from my writing. 
  • Finish Ghost Story and continue with novel Colony X. 
  • Get to gym and eat better in general.
So there you go quite a lot to do!

Plus I've to finish reading Winter Warriors by David Gemmell which I started in July!  So need to get on with that.

Enjoy September and will speak soon peeps xx
