Hi Guys n Gals
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've had a change or two to my lifestyle.
Well one main change really - that being I've got a new office job in Halifax! Won't say where for now but I'm enjoying it so far.
This means no sleeping in most of the day and now I'm up and out early. I'm knackered, but getting used to it.
Hopefully soon I will start the gym too, and once I'm in a routine I can also plan in my reading and writing.
So reading wise, I'm behind and still reading Stormrider, which I hope to finish this weekend. I'm not sure about reading Mort now. I hope to read in my lunch in winter time.
Writing wise will be as and when I'm not tired as sat at a computer all day. Maybe on weekends.
I will also try to blog fairly regularly.
Well chat soon!
Neil x