Hi Folks
This is just a quick overview of 2022. It started really well on a visit to Scotland and a visit to the Kelpies.
Reading in 2022 -
Sadly only made it onto my fourth book this year. I hit a reading slump as soon as I began, in what I was hoping to be a productive reading year. I think this was partly due to starting a new job and the months when I was out of work I was too fed up to read. It wasn't even the books fault as I have enjoyed John Gwynne's Faithful and the Fallen series so far.
Writing in 2022 -
Well that has been even worse than my reading. I've been meaning to sort my laptop out all year to get more space and still not done it.
Health in 2022 -
My health hasn't been great in 2022. With being out of work on and off in the last few years, I've put on too much weight. I'm now pre-diabetic, with slightly high blood pressure and have sleep apnea. At least I've sorted the sleep apnea out. In 2023 I need to get to the gym, exercise and eat better.
Work in 2022 -
I started 2022 in an office job I hated which I won't detail here. Needless to say I was back on Universal Credit for about 5 months. During Covid it wasn't too bad as you had the £20 extra each week but they stopped that and I really struggled.
Luckily I landed a job in June. Although it wasn't my usual back office administration job I'm used to, but a contact centre role taking calls which I thought I'd hate but isn't too bad. I will see what happens in 2023.
Holidays in 2022 -
I actually did well for holidays in 2022 despite 6 months of it out of work. This was largely due to the girlfriend.
I had a great time in Portugal in May in an all exclusive resort.
Then there were other places like York and Chester, Wigan and Skipton and Harrogate.
Plus there were my infamous visits to new Waterstones branches.
Other things in 2022 -
Well I tried to walk more in 2022 with various degrees of success. Something I want to boost in 2023.
I've also spent as much time as I could with my Mum and Daughter in 2022 and work permitting, will spend as much or more time with them in 2023.
The last big thing in 2022 that happened to me, is that I ended up with a cat! After years of being a dog lover, fate brought me a cat called Sweetpea. I wouldn't change that now it feels like I've had her years.
Well here's to a better and prosperous 2023!