Tuesday, 24 April 2012

New Blogger

Hey guys

Just logged on to blog and the whole blogger page has changed!!  Seems well weird and knowing my luck just as I have started advertising my Blog on Twitter it will somehow balls up!  Oh Well lol

Well not done much writing this weekend - consumed way too much alcohol and only just recovered but will be writing the rest of the week - mainly on Wormhole Effect but also on a short story I have in mind for the Calderdale Short Story Competition - will keep you posted!
Also have come up with a spy/comedy story - not sure if going to be a short story, novella or full novel as yet but think will post the whole of this on my Blog in a serial fashion that I have always liked!
The whole serial thing appeals to me alot and if i do the cliffhangers and payoffs well it should be an enjoyable read - and wait for the next chapter!
Well happy Reading and Writing - Post soon!


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