Monday, 2 November 2015

Ghost Hunt - Sheffield Fire and Police Museum

Hi guys

As it was Halloween what better way to celebrate than to go on a ghost hunt.  I hadn't really been on one before although went to a mini hunt at the Patricia Adams-Wright Author event on the 29th of October which was good too.

My gf Rach, her sister Becky, cousin Kim and friends Claire and Jenny went to Sheffield fire and police museum.

Nervously we arrived at the museum which was situated next to a busy city road.  Immediately I thought there would be too much noise pollution.   In that respect I was right as it was quite noisy.  Plus there was the danger a car could crash into the building as this had happened twice in last year.

We were shown to a nice room where other guests were waiting and there was food and drinks.  The Seeking Spirits team showed us around the museum which had two parts - one side was where the fire station was situated.  The other side was smaller this was the police side.  This had small cells where in some cases 16 prisoners shared a tiny cell.

It was a really nice museum with old fire engines and police vehicles plus old fireman outfits.  Although it did feel slightly spooky.

After the tour we had some food - a great spread and some yummy curry to keep us warm.  We then went to the first floor to have an induction and we were blessed.  We then separated into teams.  Two Seeking Spirits members to each team.

We started of in the Fire Station garages and against my better judgement did a Ouiji board.  Nothing much happened so we tried a glass.  Eventually a spirit briefly came through.  It moved the table and glass slightly but nothing much else so we moved down to the other side of the garage.

There the table went bat shit and moved onto two legs - this was weird as when you pushed down there was a force behind it.  We then went back onto the Ouiji board where a sprit which wouldn't give a name asked to speak to Claire.   We discovered it was another spirit teasing us.

We moved onto one of the most haunted parts of the building - the cells.  This we were told housed a bad spirit by the name of Caine who had the reputation of lightly strangling guests, mainly women and pulling hair.
When we got to the cell there was a very cold atmosphere and we started doing a table session which was very impressive and went onto one leg and even led us into the next room - a serial killer armoury room.
Eventually we went back to Caines cell but the atmosphere was warm although we did try to get Caine to touch one of us - no luck.

After a break in which we had some snacks and buns we made our way to the first floor.
We started in the séance room but had no luck although there were some creepy looking dolls and Kim did a mirror stare which after a while made her look distorted and her eyes had sunken in like a skull.
Whilst in the room the we could here another group above us having a lot of look with the table tipping.
The next room which had uniforms in was slightly better.  There were a few noises in the room and there was faint tapping on the the table.

Next was the second floor which was meant to have the most activity especially on the corridor and a bedroom with a spooky manaquin in.  Sadly in the bedroom, the corridor and the other rooms there was no activity except the table started moving only slightly.   We was dissapointed as the other groups had quite a bit of activity on this floor.  Before long at 2am we were to leave (after a closing spell).

Overall a very good night and quite funny.  I wasn't as scared as I thought I would be and still open minded to the spiritual side and events.  There were enough strange events going on to make me believe the place to be haunted and not a fix as I thought when I went in.   There were things you couldn’t explain - like the force behind the tables.
My only gripe about it is the equipment - we just had tables, Ouiji boards, our cameras/camera phones, our torches and K2 energy meters.
I was expecting night vision video cameras,  thermal imaging cameras and even voice recorders - but no.

We will definitely be attending more of these including the much talked about 30 East Street in Pontefract which was on Most Haunted the other week.  A member of Seeking Spirits had been the other week and had a marble thrown at his head.

Here are some pics of the event:

Caines cell


Table tipped

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