Monday, 3 June 2019

Avengers - Endgame - Film Review (Spoilers)

Hi Guys

This review is a bit late but with over 3 hours of a film and such a lot going on in the film it has been hard to say what I feel about it.

I've now seen it 3 times.  The first time I didn't like it at all but with the other viewings it grew on me.

The problem I have is that the first part of the film is slow going.  It needs to be to show how the world and the heroes are coping after losing to Thanos but was a bit depressing.

The film starts a few weeks or months after the events of Infinity War.  Ironman and Nebula are trapped in space running out of resources .
The heroes on Earth are upset and looking at who has been clicked out of existence.

Luckily Captain Marvel arrives and saves them and they reunite with the other Avengers including Bruce Banner, Captain America, Thor and Black Widow.  Plus Rocket who has a touching moment with Nebula.

They find an energy source that matches the snap from Infinity War and follow it to Thanos who tells them he had the stones destroyed and nearly died.
This time Thor aims for the head and kills Thanos as the heroes realise they can't bring the people who vanished from existence back.

Fast forward 5 years to 2023 and the planet and heroes are still suffering from their defeat in their own way.
Thor has got fat. Hawkeye has gone on a rampage as he saw his family dusted.  Tony Stark has settled down with Pepper Potts and had a daughter.
Bruce Banner has merged himself with the Hulk to become Professor Hulk.
Black Widow is in charge of the Avengers and Captain America is holding support groups.

Along comes a mouse which brings back Scott Lang/Antman from the Quantum Realm where he has been stuck since the end of Antman and the Wasp and bingo they heroes have a way to time travel.

Once the group get together and Tony figures out time travel they go on a time heist to collect the Infinity Stones from the past and undo Thanos snap.
Obviously things don't go as planned when 2014 Thanos finds out about the plans.

Overall   - As I've said the first hour is slow going but once on the time heist you start having fun.  Plus there are hilarious moments involving fat Thor and Professor Hulk who grew on me each time I saw it but i wasn't too sure of at first as thought they took too much of the Hulk personality away.

There are also some wow factors including the final battle once Hulk has reversed the snap and all the heroes dusted come back to fight Thanos and his army which looks great but I wish we had another ten minutes of so could see more characters fight.
It is also very emotional with two big losses and a great ending to Captain America's story arc.
Although because time travel is involved there are quite a few plot holes which they try to cover up with their own rules.
Plus at the end when Captain America takes the Infinity Stones back to the past where they got them from it would have been awesome seeing him take the Soul stone back to Red Skull.

Score    9/10 

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