Sunday 24 October 2021

Venom 2 - Let There Be Carnage - Film Review

Hi folks

Went to see the sequel to 2018's Venom the other week.  I have been exited to see this since the post credit scene at the end of Venom, when Eddie Brock(Tom Hardy) met serial killer Sideshow Bob. I mean Cletus Casady(Woody Harrelson).

It starts when Cletus Casady is in love, living in a care home with Screech/Frances Barrison(Naomie Harris) when they are young.  She is taken to Ravenscroft facility as she can attack people sonically and Cletus believes her dead.

Fast forward to present day and Cletus Cassidy wants Eddie Brock to interview him again before he goes on Death Row. He sees something with Eddie and bites him getting a small piece of Venom symbiote in his blood.  On Death row he escapes from prison as he changes into Carnage.

Meanwhile Eddie and Venom who have been arguing like a married couple decide to go their separate ways after a fight and Venom jumps bodies to go partying - this is a very funny scene.  Eddie is targeted by Carnage who has to find Venom,  patch up their friendship and fight both Carnage and Screech at the finale.

Overall - a very enjoyable film, with more funny moments with Eddie and Venom bickering because Eddie won't let Venom eat people's heads. There isn't too much action and the finale fight was good but I felt it could have gone longer with more interplay between Carnage and Venom. Woody Harrelson was great and creepy as Cletus Casady.  One thing bugged me is that both Venom and Carnage both were weak with sound, but I'm sure in the comics sound didn't affect Carnage.   That is why Venom and Spider-Man teamed up to fight him.
Also - SPOILERS - In post credits Eddie and Venom become transported into the MCU - probably due to Dr Strange and the events of the next Spider-Man film.

Bels Score  - 10/10

My Score    - 9/10

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