Wednesday 7 May 2014

Writing Course - Week 2

Hi guys

Well today have started week 2 of the free writing course I'm on although a couple of days behind - grr - Come Dine with Me and Jez Kyle to blame and my laziness.
Anyway going full steam ahead now - here's a snippett of what I've been doing.
We were asked to write 2 paragraphs - one a writers best place suited to write and the other most non suited.  It's really my ideal places - if had them - lol - enjoy

Home - Most suited 
I look up at the screen and smile at my days work in front of me as I stretch in my comfy desk chair. I look around my home office - a quite small place but big enough for desk, chair, computer and files as well as a small photocopy. Looking out of the window to the left over the hills and vales of Yorkshire I smile contented.
Pub - Ill Suited 
As I sit in the pub laptop open my mind clinging to the sentances I'm trying to write. Only its starting to get busy now and the rowdy noise in the background is growing. Glasses clinking, people talking and shouting, the sport on the flat screen televisions. its no good the allure of a pint is too much. I put my laptop away and get my forth pint - bliss

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