Sunday 2 April 2017

Logan - Film Review - Spoilers-

Went to see what will probably be Hugh Jackmans final turn as Wolverine or as he's known to his close friends Logan.

Set in a near future a battered ill Logan is caring for an ailing Professor X (Patrick Stewart).  With the help of fellow mutant Caliban (Steven Merchant) they are hiding over the Mexican border wanting to save enough to sail away and leave the wasted world behind.

Sadly Professor X is suffering from a neuro degenerative disease which causes him to have powerful seizes which it turns out is how the X Men were killed.

Along comes a nurse from a secret facility which has been creating new mutants from the DNA from past mutants.  She has a girl called Laura with her (or X23) and wants Logan to take her to a place called Eden.
Unfortunately the people from the facility are after them too plus the other mutant children which have escaped.

The film is a fitting swansong for Hugh Jackmans Wolverine plus also Patrick Stewarts Professor X and there is a tinge of sadness all way through.  There are also some hilarious situations involving Professor X swearing and Caliban.

There are many themes in this film including age and mortality.

It is also Hugh Jackmans best performance of Wolverine the character that made him a star.
With excellent dialogue and set pieces plus the low key situation makes it probably the best X Men film there is.  Also a bonus is the added gore.

Be warned a few tears may be shed by the end.

Score    10/10

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