Tuesday 28 April 2020

My Book Recommendations for Isolation

Hi Peeps

As most of you are stuck in Isolation during these weird and awful times as the Pandemic gets worse, I thought I would suggest some books/series/authors to read whilst your at home bored.

1 - David Gemmell  (Drenai series plus rest of his work)

David Gemmell was a master story teller and having read his Drenai series can confirm these are great reads with plenty of fantasy action and great characters.  Even the side characters have depth.  These books are pre-grimdark with anti-heroes where everything isn't black or white.
As David is my favourite author I'm ashamed to admit there are still loads to read which I would also recommend including his Rigante series, Hawk Queen and Troy trilogy.

2 - Terry Pratchett - Discworld

Another favourite author is Terry Pratchett.  Again only read a handful of his novels including Hogfather, Mort and the excellent The Truth.
I would recommend Terry for his sheer imagination and humour using fantasy setting to satire our modern life (especially in later novels).

3 - Raymond E Feist - Riftwar Saga

Yes another author I love is Raymond E Feist who has created an epic series of up to around thirty books.  I've read the first Trilogy starting with Magician and the scale of the stories are huge as there are two worlds to build and learn about with hundreds of characters.  I hope to read the Krondor trilogy soon but as I said there are many books after these.

4 - JRR Tolkien - Hobbit and Lord of the Rings 

The Grand Daddy of Fantasy himself - JRR Tolkien created a complex and rich world for you to get lost in for weeks or months depending on your reading speed.  The Hobbit is a quick read and great introduction to his world as it's more a children's book.  The LOTR trilogy will drag you to murkier places but I loved them.  These will entertain during lockdown.

5 - David Eddings - The Belgariad and Malloreon Series

A great fast series to read and classic Fantasy fare is the Belgariad series.  Aimed at a younger audience it is still a great read with good world building,  a huge cast of characters and easy reading.   One of the fastest series I've read.  Hope to read the sequel series - The Malloreon very soon as you all should too in lockdown. 

6 - Doctor Who - Box sets and various 

As you've probably seen on this blog, especially recently I've been reading through my two box sets of Doctor Who.  I've still a fair few to go plus some single bought books and I highly recommend them for lockdown reads as they are quick light fluffy feel good reads.  You can get them individually in shops or online plus there are the Target Dr Who books out there to read too.

7 - Helen Cadbury - Sean Denton Series

The late great Helen Cadbury's Sean Denton books were sadly cut short by her death but there is still a good trilogy of crime novels here to read.
They are set fairly local to me in York and Doncaster.  They are great easy crime reads with good writing and believable characters. 
Race to The Kill will be the next book I read.

8 - Leigh Russell - Geraldine Steel and Ian Peterson

Another crime series I've started reading is the Ian Peterson trilogy.  These are connected to the Geraldine Steel books of which there are about fourteen out.  Again good writing and fairly quick reads with some good twists.

Books/Series I recommend that I've to read.

1 - Joe Abercrombie - First Law books

The next series I'm going to read this is fantasy Grimdark and Joe Abercrombie is meant to be the best.  Plus similar to David Gemmell with great characters. 

2 - Alastair Reynolds  - Revenger series and more

Alastair Reynolds is the UK king of Sci-fi and has many space opera books under his belt including Revelation Space Trilogy and the new Revenger Trilogy .

3 - John Gwynne - The Faithful and the Fallen series 

A newer voice in fantasy with what I'm told a great story and lots of action similar to David Gemmell and Joe Abercrombie .

4 - Andy Remic - Various

Andy has dabbled in Sci-fi and Fantasy and his Fantasy looks like it is David Gemmell on speed with extra swearing and violence.  Can't wait to start these too.

5 - Warhammer 40,000 and Horus Heresy

There are loads of these Warhammer books from Black Library.   They are action packed military Sci-fi and will keep you busy during the lockdown for ages.

6 - Scott Lynch - The Gentleman Bastards Series

This is meant to be a fun fantasy crime series which is funny with great characters.   Need to read this series soon to know more but will be fun during a lockdown.

7 - RJ Barker - The Wounded Kingdom

Yes another Fantasy which is meant to be great with fun characters and lots of action and comedy.  Go read this on lockdown too.

8 - DC Superhero Books

Another set of books I've to read and would be good fast reads in lockdown as they are more YA.  Written by some YA legends too including Leigh Barduco and Sara J Maas.

9 - Stella Gemmell - The City books

Yes the widow of David Gemmell.  Stella has started writing her own fantasy similar to David but slower books which are supposed to have some great twists.  These are quite bulky so will while away the hours.

10 - Lucy Hounsom - The Worldmaker Trilogy

A coming of age fantasy.  I'm not sure what this is about but looks great and again be good to while away the hours during Lockdown.

Other Authors to look at and read - Justina Robson, Stephen Baxter, Iain M Banks, George RR Martin, Anna Smith Spark, Peter F Hamilton, Ian Graham, Terry Goodkind, Robin Triggs, Joanne M Harris.

Enjoy peeps!

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